We have a scoop for you !

Simply Smart

 "What Changed for Universities

While You Were Busy Last Week?"

Please forward it to the relevant departments, colleges, and students clubs/associates who are working on Sustainability in the Educational Institutes.

All past issues of the weekly newsletters are available at Click Here

This Newsletter is coming to you because you care for the Environment

Top it with MOSS!

The ecologists from these universities have revealed an antidote for Climate Change by examining soil samples from a diverse range of ecosystems and uncovered the evidence that mosses have the potential to store a massive amount of carbon in the soil beneath them. Read More

Sustainability Stride in Style

Infused with a passion for reusability in clothes, the alumni of this university founded an upcycled clothing brand that specializes in high-end secondhand fashion and provides customers with multiple outfit opportunities for each garment instead of seasonal items. Read Here

The Green Gold in Deep Oceans

The scientist from this institute has devised a highly successful method of restoring seagrass that is adversely affected by global stressors. They have also developed a website and app that help researchers fully map the extent and types of seagrasses around the world. Read Here

Impact Matrix of Digital Technologies

The experts from this university will use gamification techniques to explore how digital technologies impact young people’s health. The new research will help practitioners and individuals to better monitor and manage the emotional well-being of young people. Read Here

Final Words.... by Chairman

-Dr Rajendra Shende, Former Director, UNEP

Solutions to Plastic Pollution

Yes, we can beat plastic pollution. Just start from Campus!

The water that we drink today is possibly what thirsty dinosaurs were drinking about 65 million years ago. This is just one example of nature's invisible 'circular economy'! As the water warms up, it travels into the sky as vapour-very tiny droplets. It comes back as rainwater, when the water vapour gets colder, it turns back to liquid to help form clouds. No new water is generated. 

Nature's circular economy uses natural capital and generates the profits that are pulled back into the economy to renew our planet's business. Natural cycles in the atmosphere, lithosphere and biosphere are part of that circular economy. The life-supporting elements oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, sulphur, and phosphorus move through the cycles. If nature writes an ESG report, it would not need any consultant to write it, and still, it would rank on top forever! 

Unfortunately, we have not learned much about this circular economy of nature. We did not even bother to attend the 'class of Nature' and started our 'enterprise' to ruin nature without graduating. Read More

Curated and Architecture by

Ar. Durga Kamat

Project Coordinator, SCCN-Green TERRE Foundation

Conceptualized and Guided by
Dr Rajendra Shende
Founder Director, Green TERRE Foundation

Prime mover - SCCN

Please send you feedback to sccn.terrepolicycentre@gmail

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