COP 27, Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt
6th November 2022 - 18th November 2022


About COP 27
The Conference of the Parties (COP) is the supreme body of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), made up of representatives from each country that signed the Paris Agreement and which meets every year. COP27, the 27th annual meeting, is being held under an Egyptian presidency in the Red Sea resort town of Sharm el- Sheikh.
The 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change – COP27 – builds on the outcomes of COP26 to deliver action on an array of issues critical to tackling the climate emergency – from urgently reducing greenhouse gas emissions, building resilience, and adapting to the inevitable impacts of climate change, to delivering on the commitments to finance climate action in developing countries.
Faced with a growing energy crisis, record greenhouse gas concentrations, and increasing extreme weather events, COP27 seeks renewed solidarity between countries, to deliver on the landmark Paris Agreement, for people and the planet

"We are on a highway to climate hell with our foot on the accelerator."
Key Note Address
Press Release: Global Launch of "Not Zero-Net Zero Campus"
COP 27 - SCCN Milestones
Day 1 - 14th November 2022
Venue: GORD Pavilion, Green Zone, COP27 - Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt
Gulf Organisation for Research and Development (GORD) of Qatar, UNESCO and Smart Campus Cloud Network (SCCN) launched a global partnership at COP 27 on 14th Nov 2022 to support global universities to achieve Carbon Neutral - Net Zero Campus under SCCN’s 'Not Zero-Net Zero' pledge. Three organisations would work together to develop a web-based platform using digital technologies. SCCN would build the capacity of universities, UNESCO would promote open-access information and GORD would develop a methodology for measuring, assessing and verifying Carbon Neutrality.
Day 2 - 15th November 2022
Venue: UNESCO Pavilion, Green Zone, COP27 - Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt
‘Investing in Open Data is Investing in Future’. Open Data need to be unshackled from our Closed minds to make it available and accessible to the youth that are tomorrow's policymakers because open-source information on technologies will accelerate climate action. Global Network of Universities - Smart Campus Cloud Network- SCCN demonstrated the digital cloud that is developed by SCCN & Ecolibrium which makes information accessible by sharing it with other universities. Dr Bhanu Neupane, Advisor, UNESCO was the initiator and anchor of the event - ‘Open Data: Remedy for Climate Change Disinformation!’
Day 3 - 16th November 2022
Venue: India Pavilion, Blue Zone, COP27 - Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt
Smart Campus Cloud Network has launched a global movement for Carbon Neutrality - Not Zero-Net Zero that will sensitise the students and faculty to climate change, and their campus's carbon emissions and encourage them to jointly start monitoring their emissions and find ways to curtail these emissions. The 'Not Zero Net Zero’ movement is aimed at making the university campus carbon neutral and was anchored on Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘Mission LiFE’, a global drive for an environment-friendly lifestyle. Youth in universities represent the mountainous potential that can be mobilised to address the Climate Crisis and support PM Modi’s resolve to be Net Zero.
Day 4 - 17th November 2022
Venue: Conference room: Luxor, Press Conference, COP27 - Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt
Universities are the living laboratories for innovation and dynamic destinations of creativity. That is where promises are funnelled down into execution. Youth from Universities are on the frontline of the much-needed innovations in mitigation and adaptation to climate change. It is the time for university students to enter the arena of transparent action leaving behind illusionary pledges and unfulfilled promises. Young minds are the key to turning the tide of climate change. The global launch of 'Not Zero-Net Zero’ under the ‘Smart Campus Cloud Network’ was covered in the press conference stating "Carbon Neutral Campus is a visionary movement in the education sector that would create tomorrow’s climate ambassadors”