SCCN Blogs

Revolutionizing the education to mainstream SDGs : Dr M.S. Swaminathan way


In the morning I get zoomed on subjects like 'recreating the education'. Come evening and I get webexed on 'reimagining education'. Then I get youtubed on 'rebooting the education', followed by facebooked session on 'redesigning the education'. Finally, when I go to bed I dream of 're-dreaming the education'. I consider it a welcome sign that many ...

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  2092 Hits

Understanding Sustainable Agriculture Piloting it in Universities


The word 'sustainable' is now ubiquitous and used as free-for-all adjective even for profits and wealth. 'Sustainable Profits' has entered in many corporate reports. That, however, is not the only reason to understand and differentiate between such terms and 'sustainable agriculture'. The benefits of Sustainable agriculture are critically related t...

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  1317 Hits

The Ocean, Our Origin and Our Future


There is a renewed interest in 'VUCA World' (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity in the World) during this pandemic. VUCA – first used in 1987, drawing on the leadership theories of world-renowned guru on the subject, Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus. COVID 19 situation fits well into VUCA world. COVID19 challenge is extremely serious and...

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  1134 Hits

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