SCCN Blogs

Integrated Farming System


Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth (MPKV), RahuriSDG Stories in Agriculture The IFS or Integrated Farming System comes under the Farmer FIRST Programme (FFP), which is an ICAR (Indian Council of Agriculture Research) initiative to move beyond the production and productivity, to privilege the smallholder agriculture and complex, diverse and risk prone ...

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Clean Campus -Green Campus Campaign


Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth (MPKV), RahuriSDG Stories in Campus Sustainability The Campus of MPKV Rahuri is taken up as a project for sustainability by stakeholders and others to be engaged in various activities such as waste management, vermicomposting, afforestation, irrigation and watershed development. RegionMPKV Campus at Rahuri village in...

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Satellite Community Gardens


M S SWAMINATHAN BOTANICAL GARDEN CAMPUSSDG Stories on Biodiversity Conservation Behold an integrated and decentralized Garden for 'RET' (Rare, Endemic and Threatened) trees and plants managed in partnership with Community Conservers or Custodian Farmers. This Garden identifies ex-situ, on-farm and in-situ methods and approach of partnership mode by...

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