SCCN Blogs

Moving on to the Next stage

Clean and Smart Campus Award application that started on 14th June to 19th July 2019 for AICTE approved educational institutes is now on its scrutiny process. The esteemed experts on 7th August 2019 came together in AICTE Headquarter, New Delhi for the review of 739 applications and first level of scrutiny.

The meeting was attended by the following experts : -

  1. Prof.(Dr.) Rakesh Kumar Sharma, VC Graphic Era, Uttarakhand
  2. Mr. Rajendra Shende, TERRE Policy Centre, Pune
  3. Prof. Arun Kansal, TERI SAS, New Delhi
  4. Prof. Ramakrishnan Sitaraman, TERI SAS
  5. Prof. Atul Kumar, TERI SAS, New Delhi
  6. Dr. Govind Bhargava, NIT Agartala
  7. Prof A. S Raghubanshi, BHU Varanasi
  8. Dr. P Binisha, IIWM, Bangalore
  9. Mr. Neeraj Arora, ASSOCHEM National Council for GEM, New Delhi
  10. Mr. Sandeep Narang, ASSOCHEM National Council for GEM, New Delhi
  11. Mr. Ashu Gupta, ASSOCHEM National Council for GEM, Jaipur
  12. Prof. M.M. Sharma, MNIT, Jaipur
  13. Prof. Moushmi Barooh, DTE, Assam

Following members from AICTE also attended the meeting:

  1. Prof MP Poonia, Vice Chairman AICTE
  2. Lt. Col. Kailash Bansal, Director (SDC), AICTE.
  3. Dr. Pradeep Bhaskar, Assistant Director (SDC), AICTE.

Lt. Col. Kailash Bansal, Director, Skill Development Cell initiated the meeting and welcomed all the Committee members. A brief presentation was given by him outlining the concept of the award and the snap shot of the applications received.

The experts decided the cut off among the received applications and shortlisted the institutes to the next stage of award process. These institutes will be visited by the experts for the verification and the validation of the data submitted by the campus.

SCCN is an integral part of this award, wherein the campuses need to align their activities and curriculum using digital platforms. It is also expected to facilitate dialogue and sharing of ideas amongst students, faculty and administrators towards the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

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